Becoming a Skilled Reader

E. All of the above! Reading is more than decoding the words and retelling what was read. Where a child is at with spelling, expressive language, and phonemic awareness affects their reading. Starting from birth, speech and language create the foundation for both reading and writing. The literacy process is complex and doesn’t happen overnight. Pictured below is Scarborough’s Reading Rope; the word recognition and language comprehension begin to work together, developing a skilled and confident reader!

At home, you can help your child become a skilled reader by having your child read to you and you read to them daily. Have them read aloud anything that is easy or familiar, building fluency. Then, read to them a book that is above their reading level and discuss, building comprehension. Go beyond just retelling what was read by making meaning of the text, making connections, and building critical thinking skills. Want to know exactly where your child is at with reading or writing skills? Reach out to Prepped Learning for a diagnostic assessment of reading/writing skills in order to best target your child’s literacy needs.